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March 4, 2025 Newsletter

Posted Date: 3/04/25 (2:14 PM)

SES Newsletter
March 4, 2025
Car Rider Drop Off
As a reminder, if you are dropping your child off in the morning you will need to join the car line in the back parking lot on the east side of the building off of Washington Street. If you need to walk your child to the front office door please park in the North parking lot, off Highway 56, and walk them to the front. We have buses pulling up from 7:25-7:55 each morning on Hyland street, and to ensure they keep on their scheduled times to deliver all of our district students we need to keep our bus lane clear we ask that you do not stop in front of the building or park in the bus loading zone during these times. Thank you for helping us keep our morning drop off systems running efficiently.
Time Change
It is that time of year again when clocks change for the spring. On Sunday. March 9th at 2 am you will need to adjust your clocks forward by 1 hour. To help with the time change you can gradually change your schedule this week. Go to sleep 15-30 minutes earlier at least a few days before the change, to ensure you wake up a little earlier. This helps your body adjust to the new schedule.
SCSD2 IREAD Parent Guide 2025
The State of Indiana requires all second and third-grade students enrolled in public and nonpublic accredited schools to take the Indiana Reading Evaluation and Determination (IREAD) assessment. IREAD measures foundational reading standards and is given to students each spring. Because the skills are foundational, both second and third-grade students take the same test. Once IREAD is passed (in second or third grade), students do not retake the assessment. A new state law going into effect this year requires 3rd grade students to pass the test to be promoted to grade 4. 

IREAD is a multiple-choice test. Students are required to choose the correct answer from a list of possible choices. Some items require students to listen to a prompt using headphones. No written or verbal responses are required. The test is divided into three segments which are usually spread over 2-3 days. The test is untimed, so students can progress at their own pace. On average, each segment takes about 30 minutes for most students. All students are also required to take a practice test to become familiar with the test system and question types.
The 3 segments of IREAD test 

-Foundations & Vocabulary (Word Recognition, Fluency, and Vocab Development): Questions may include identifying beginning, middle, and ending sounds, identifying synonyms, antonyms, homographs, suffixes, and using context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words in a text.

-Nonfiction (Comprehension and Analysis of Nonfiction and Informational Text): Questions may include comparing and responding to grade-level informational text by making connections and/or predictions while reading, and identifying important information within text (e.g., problem and solution, cause and effect, main idea).

-Literature (Comprehension and Analysis of Literary Text): Questions may include comparing and responding to grade-level literary text by recalling and/or describing story elements (e.g. plot, character traits and development, problem and solution), and identifying the theme and narrator of different literary genres.

You can find sample items at the IDOE Released Items Repository.

*Students will take the assessment on their iPads. Please ensure your child’s iPad is fully charged before school each day. Students do need earbuds/headphones for the assessment.

*Make sure your child is here and on time for school.

Test results will be available in April and all parents will receive a copy of the results with information relating to next steps if a student does not pass IREAD.
Vision Screenings
Kindergarten Vision Screening

On Thursday, March 13th Dr. Black's office will be at SES to work on Kindergarten Vision screenings. Please make sure if your Kindergarten child wears glasses that they have their glasses with them this day. You will be notified if your child has any difficulty with the vision screening.
Upcoming Events
3/3-3/7-Read Across America Week
3/4-3/7-IRead (2nd and 3rd Grades)
3/9-Time Change (Spring Forward)
3/10-3/21-Jump Rope for Heart
3/13-Kindergarten Vision Screens
3/13-3/17-Shamrock sales for PTO
3/21-Jump Rope Day
3/12-PTO Meeting
3/17-3/21- Spirit Week
3/24-3/28 Spring Break (NO SCHOOL)
Example calendar with dates pinned
School lunch
Lunch Menu
3/4-Shredded Pork
3/5-Chicken Alfredo Noodles
3/6-Taco in a Bag
3/10-Chicken Nuggets
3/11-Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese
3/12-Breakfast for Lunch
3/13-Hashbrown Casserole w/Ham
3/17-Chicken Sandwich
3/18-Hot Dog
3/19-Salisbury Steak
3/20-Pork Nachos
3/21-Fish Shapes

Menu items are subject to change at times due to availability from the food vendors, and inclement weather days.

Person using a laptop
Contact info
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. You can reach out via phone, parent square or email.

  • (812) 752-8922